Education and Outreach Ministries
- COSMO Sunday School, email: [email protected]
Youth of CLC on facebook - Missions
- Audio Ministry: ))O((
- Services broadcast on WMEQ 880 AM Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
- Sunday Worship audio On-Line
- Charter Sponsor: Troop 103 Chippewa Valley Council Boy Scouts
- Worship services @ Autumn Village
- Worship services @ The Neighbors of Dunn County
- Home Communion Team: The CLC Home Communion Team serves members of our congregation by bringing Holy Communion to the home of those who are unable attend worship. This rewarding ministry helps to maintain the connection between homebound members and the community of faith which is Christ Lutheran Church. Team members are commissioned to serve and support, not replace, the Pastoral visitation ministry. To learn more, serve on this team, or suggest those in need of this ministry, contact the church office.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry: This ministry, inspired by the late Ruth Peterson's loving prayers in the form of shawls, has provided hundreds of persons with comfort, healing and hope. The ministry is being continued by a growing group of members.
- Music and Art Ministries: These include Adult and Children's Choirs, special music and visual arts contributions to the Worship experience. For our brochure with MORE Volunteer Opportunities, Click HERE.
- Chancel Choir: Come, make a joyful noise with us! Rehearsing @ 7 p.m. Wednesdays, Sept. - mid May .
- Altar Guild - Supporting the Worship environment and celebration of Holy Communion.
- CLCW: Christ Lutheran Church Women - Fellowship and service groups.
- Food-Based Ministries: In addition to support of area Food Pantries and other hunger ministries, Christ Lutheran has many fellowship gatherings around meals throughout the year, and several "food-based" fund raising events.
- Lay School of Ministry: offers more extensive preparation to follow various paths of ministry within the congregation and greater community. For information, visit the link above.