Wednesday's Table - All are Welcome!
A FREE Community Meal, provided by members, community volunteers & donors. Wednesdays, 5-6 pm @ "The Church with the Purple Doors"
We have many spots available for helping on Wednesdays. Come for a couple hours and help with the prepping or help with the serving. Be ready for some non-stop chatter and fun. We ask that you click on the link below to sign up.
Volunteer Signup
No matter your talent we have a spot for you. Maybe sign up as a family. We will provide the gloves. Please, pass the word, it's open to anyone.
Many hands make light work
We have many spots available for helping on Wednesdays. Come for a couple hours and help with the prepping or help with the serving. Be ready for some non-stop chatter and fun. We ask that you click on the link below to sign up.
Volunteer Signup
No matter your talent we have a spot for you. Maybe sign up as a family. We will provide the gloves. Please, pass the word, it's open to anyone.
Many hands make light work

See our CALENDAR for weather and other closings.
- Weekly MENUS here and in Bulletin
- Volunteers needed. To volunteer, CLICK HERE.
- To DONATE, note “Wednesdays Table” on check to Christ Lutheran or donations through one of our online GIVING OPTIONS. Thank You!